Saturday, 29 May 2010

There You Go

Okay. The new chapter is up. Only on my web-site and the FFML for now; will follow a bit later. But still.

Enjoy. (I hope.)


At 30 May 2010 at 13:38, Blogger Lynz said...

Eee!! How exciting! And perfect timing too! My husband is away for the weekend so I have time to read right now!

At 30 May 2010 at 16:13, Blogger Unknown said...

Only three years until the next chapter. Ungh. And I was hoping we'd see Neptune finally. Ah, well.

At 30 May 2010 at 17:17, Blogger Lynz said...

M. do you always post spoilers after you read a chapter?

At 30 May 2010 at 18:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was AMAZING. You are amazing.
And mostly thank you for (SPOILERSPOILER!)savingIku(SPOILERSPOILER!). I think that was my favorite part. Now have go have fun with your wedding :) Until next time? (Which hopefully won't be so long ;D)

At 1 June 2010 at 05:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grabbed the chapter. Looking forward to reading it. The date on the idex page is Mar not May though.


At 1 June 2010 at 07:09, Blogger Angus said...

Whoops, good spot there Joan. Fixed, and thanks.

At 2 June 2010 at 04:57, Anonymous Almut said...

That was I really interesting read. As a molecular biologist, I particularly like the villain's back story.;)

I wonder what would happen if Suzue watched the *real* Sailor Moon anime and found out was Usagi was like...

Best wishes and good luck with the wedding,

At 2 June 2010 at 07:31, Anonymous Natasha said...

This is wonderful. I am so happy!! This chapter is well worth the wait. I really appreciated the back info on Suzue and Iku. Gives the characters more depth. I think I might just love Suzue after that last stunt. Congrats on your upcoming wedding. :)

At 2 June 2010 at 17:52, Blogger Angus said...

Thanks to you all.

Almut - glad to hear that it didn't sound like complete nonsense, at least! As for Suzue ... well, who knows? Look at what she decided about Rei. It might take her a little while to see through the klutzy surface, admittedly!

Natasha - Thanks, and, well, it's interesting to see how becoming a senshi is broadening Suzue...

At 3 June 2010 at 01:26, Blogger rialisis said...

Worth the wait :) That, in particular, was a thrilling read. Especially the climax at the warehouse.

Keep going, because I definately want to see this story concluded.

And congratulations on your recent engagement. I hope you have many happy years ahead of you!!!

At 5 June 2010 at 05:39, Blogger Evildevilsky400 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 5 June 2010 at 05:45, Blogger Evildevilsky400 said...

read it a couple of day ago all i can say is WOW awsome work as usual keep it up, and keep suprsing us with more drama and adventure :)

At 6 June 2010 at 07:13, Blogger Sam said...

I teared up once or twice. I certainly laughed a few times. I got angry and sighed with relief. I literally growled my frustration when help for Iku wasn't happening.

I thought "Crystal Fall" was the best chapter because of how epic it was. However, I think this may have been my favorite because of all the places it took me. Thank you for continuing the project and I would say your writing has improved/grown throughout the story.

Good luck with all the wedding plans!

At 10 June 2010 at 08:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Please... don't take 3 years to post the next one... I'll be 26 that year, I was 13 when I started reading this! c'mon!! (((****spoiler SPOILER!!!!**** And leaving off with Dhiti being all <3 ****** SPOILER********))) is just a killer way to leave me on the rack!

At 13 June 2010 at 03:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the chapter just then; I was so happy to see it'd been updated.

I read the chapter too fast (because I wanted to see what would happen with Iku and Suzue), so I'm going to have to reread it again, but I just wanted to say that it was awesomely written. I really like the way you handled their situations; I found myself somewhat exasperated by Dhiti but I cheered madly at the end of the day when she came through. (Was also somewhat disappointed in Beth and Nanako. I can see why they'd act like this; it's still disappointing.)

Anyway. Enjoyed the characterization as a whole, and the action was amazing. Thank you so much for writing this; it's inspiring. (And now I will have to start from the beginning again. Thank god it's the holidays!)

Also, congratulations on your engagement! Best wishes for you and your fiance. ^^

At 18 June 2010 at 01:05, Anonymous uber_cast said...

Thank you so much for the chapter. I'm about to go read it now, and I can hardly contain myself. This story is definitely worth the wait!

At 6 July 2010 at 00:09, Blogger Amanda L. said...

It was a joy pre-reading the chapter again. :3 I am definitely looking forward to reading the final copy, but a complete reading of the entire story is in order to fully enjoy it, I think. ;)

This is the one story I have ever found that is worth the wait it takes for new chapters to come out. I hope you never stop writing, no matter what it is you write.

And good luck with your engagement and future marriage. I wish you all the best. :3

At 19 July 2010 at 21:51, Blogger Shrilaraune said...

You sir, are magic. That is all.


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