Saturday 17 September 2005

Decision Time

Election day in New Zealand. I'm slightly distracted. Still managing to crank out a little, though. The hacker "Trio" has reappeared.

I've been thinking about posting SM4200 on I'm concerned about their policy of editing stories without consulting the authors—removing characters if they feel they're "not needed" to tell a story!—but still…  I've updated the script I use to convert raw text into HTML, so that it also creates a simpler version for, without the style sheets, tables and other stuff that they don't like. Not sure if I'll use it yet. We'll see.

Now at 25441 words. Hoping to get a good bit more cranked out tomorrow.


At 18 September 2005 at 17:34, Blogger Catherine said...

Posting to will definitely boost your readership and bring sm4200 to a huge new audience. The problem is that most of them won't read or appreciate it, as you really are dealing with the lowest common denominator there.
If you're prepared for reviews that are little more than "omg u brok my fav pairing were's luna?" (and boy that hurt my head to write), go for it. It's a fun place and the fangirls aren't really that bad.

I've never had a problem with them editing my content, despite bending many of their rules over the years.

At 20 September 2005 at 08:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're looking for a large venue to post your work you can't get much bigger then However, I would suggest something along the lines of They have a great community and the site is just lovely.


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