Making decent progress
12,000 words. Some interesting points emerging; as usual, ones I hadn't fully considered before. And the fallout from the Senshi's raid on 'M' Division continues to accumulate; the crows are coming home to roost…
Centuries after the fall of Crystal Tokyo ... it is time for a new band of senshi to come together. Some of them are new faces; others are old faces, reborn yet again. But all of them are in trouble ... because the enemy that destroyed Crystal Tokyo is still out there. And it is waiting for them.
This blog is for comments on the story "Sailor Moon 4200"—progress reports, updates and general random musings.
12,000 words. Some interesting points emerging; as usual, ones I hadn't fully considered before. And the fallout from the Senshi's raid on 'M' Division continues to accumulate; the crows are coming home to roost…
Chapter 14 has hit 10,000 words.
The scene I wrote about in my last post (a month and a half ago!), about Iku and her family, was pure hell, and I eventually had to scrap everything I'd done of it—over a thousand words—and start over. From there, it got squeezed out a few sentences at a time, which was about all I could stand to do. But now, at last, it's finished. I'll probably have to do some revisions, since that sort of writing tends to come out fairly disjointed, but that can wait.
For now, I can get on with scenes I actually want to write…!
SM4200 constantly makes me have to go researching unexpected topics. Last chapter, I had to study up about BACnet, all for the sake of two or three sentences when the Senshi were breaking into 'M' Division. (BACnet is real, if you didn't know.) A few chapters ago, I had to read up on airplane pilot licensing systems. While today…I spent an hour or so reading up about firearms, again for the sake of a couple of sentences, so that I could talk about Captain Hiiro's pistol and (hopefully) sound like I know what I'm talking about. (Personally, I've never even seen a genuine pistol. Gun ownership is fairly restricted in NZ.)
God knows what I'll have to learn about next! Sometimes, writing can be fun.