Sunday 14 November 2004

Chapter 11 now posted

Been far too long since I updated this - I know.

Well, chapter 11 is now up. I held on for a long time waiting for one pre-reader who'd promised commentary (and whose commentary last time was very useful) to write back, but after two months I think it's time to let this thing out into the big wide world. For better or for worse - I hope, for better. :)

(Naturally, if the missing pre-reader does report back, what I've posted may undergo changes. I'd expect them to be minor. But that's why I haven't labelled it as the final release version.)

Updates to the appendices (timeline, who's who, etc) will follow when I've time. I'm also working on revisions of some of the early chapters - chapter 3 in particular is getting a facelift.

Chapter 12 is, of course, under way. It's not going nearly as fast as I'd like, alas - there's about 4200 words done. (That numbe is just a coincidence...really.) Bad show; but the pacing of the opening is causing me a lot of grief.


At 15 November 2004 at 09:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been checking the blog every day for the last month (pathetic, no?). YAY! Totally just sat at the computer and read the chapter. So good. Of course, now I'm going to waiting anxiously for the next chapter.

I really like the conversations between Itsuko and Suzue. I'm also very interested in Iku and what's going on there with her and her dreams.

New Sailor Moon...dying to know more about that!


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